Good Evening Readers I am NOT looking forward to 41c tomorrow. The weather forecasters tell us it's only one day. Personally, I would...

Inspector Roux goes to Paris
Good Morning Readers, I wanted to share two drawings with you from an unpublished Children's book - 'Inspector Roux goes to Paris'. The...

Cleaning out the Closet - Literally
Happy New Year to all my wonderful readers and followers on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and my website. Now that’s over, let’s get...

My Bookshelf
Good Morning Readers, Apart from annoying the neighbours, (those of the mowing their lawns kind,) with French Christmas Carols on the...

My Favourite Christmas Yule Log
Good Morning Readers, There is a percentage of the population who love their traditional Christmas Cakes. Swamped with fruit and nuts and...

Why don’t they listen?
Good afternoon readers, Characters have a terrible habit of not listening. To me, their creator, to their fellow characters, not even to...

Where to from here!
I’m off travelling. Where do we start to research our Novel? What place? What timeframe? Let’s take – The Lute Maker. Set in WW2, I have...

Why I Love Settings (And You Should, Too!)
Good Morning Readers, Some storytellers use fictional places to locate their characters. Others, like me, use real locations. Is there a...

What's in a Name?
Good evening readers. Why I am using your name. Lately, I’ve been thinking, why do names in my novels matter? Where do they pop up from?...

Nevil Shute
Good Morning Readers, Sometimes, it's exciting to go back and read our favourite novels from well renowned Authors. I have in my...

Winter was surely over.
Good afternoon readers, Winter was surely over, but then... The first of our Bearded Iris' have opened and I have no idea of their...

All Alpacas
Good Morning readers, We asked for spring and it's here. Muggy days, and lots of sunshine. The roses are doing well and the lawn keeps a...

Must be the spring sunshine...
Good afternoon readers, I am filling our a questionnaire about the new book - Melrose, as detailed from my publisher. It's quite...