Behind the Lane
I do apologise for not putting up a blog beforehand. I had an accident and have two rips in my rotator cuff-left shoulder. Enough of my ills. Behind the Lane will be released at the end of Feb. It will not be the last in Claire Lane. I have left the ending open for number 10 in the series. Melrose will be released in early November in the UK, and from there I have to put forward another manuscript for their amusement. I say that because I'm not even halfway through writing another novel. I have two on the go. Contract Blanc number 3 in the Contract Series, and another Historical WW2 era- The Lute Maker, set in the Netherlands and Australia. My usual blog is on the website this week. And if you sign up, I'll send you Behind the Lane as a thank you. cheers M Off to see the Orthopaedic Surgeon. The image today. Lucy, we call her Gu Gu! Don't ask.