Critics and their uses.
Good morning readers, It's been a long week. I have developed an allergy. The doctors think it's from some type of thistle in the garden. When I have been weeding the sap has been passed by myself, no doubt and made my lip expand like Mick Jagger. or Botox gone wrong. Stop laughing people. The chemist suggested I take a selfie and post it . But no, not a good idea. Besides my troubles, I have nearly finished the second edit for Saint Brieuc. Being in this frame of mind, I wanted to rave about critics. They come in all shape of sizes and ideas. For an author, this is a good thing. The one dark note is 'dont read the bad ones.' infact, don't read any of them. According to an author friend, his attitude is ' Don't feed the trolls' He's right. We all can't agree. Even the politicians find that difficult. The one comment I would like to make as an Author, if you have a gripe about something, be it music, writing, painting or other forms of media expression, have the balls to put your name on it. Another well known author friend was concerned his critics were only a group of made up names. Not real people. Just as ficticious as his characters. I had a thought, if a critic is adament they are right, then why not include their ficticious name in your next book as a character. Make them the bad arse. Now that has got me thinking. Mmn. Contract Blanc. It's in the thought process at the moment. why not?